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50 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 27 - 37
I am a person who loves life.🙂 I enjoy joking and have a good sense of humor because I believe in living, enjoying every moment. I really like nature and the outdoors. I can be amazed by the sunset, warm breeze, the rustle of trees, and the singing of birds. I have a romantic nature. I love walking, cycling, watching a good movie, and going to a restaurant. I am interested in traveling and exploring the world. Family and respect for others are very important to me. In others, I value honesty and when they speak the truth. My heart ❤️ will give you more than your ❤️ will give to me 🙂 I will do everything to make you feel like the most important person in the world to me. I will always support you, be by your side at every moment, and you can always count on me. I dream of seeing joy in your eyes when I come home from work. I'm an optimist. Nothing is impossible for me. You can do anything if you want to. There's something else you need to know. You can't lie to me about where you live or have a family or what your age is. If there are old photos of you here, forget about me. I am honest and I ask you to be honest too. I don't want you to hurt my heart 💔 I like to explore new places. I don't go to bars, I don't drink, I like the taste of coffee 🙂. The most important thing is to respect each other, tell each other the truth and trust. My woman must feel safe with me and must feel loved. For me, there is nothing more important than seeing happiness in my woman's eyes. It's my goal to make my family happy. 😍 I am a good person and my intentions are pure and respectful toward you. My outlook on life is encapsulated by my personal motto: enjoy every moment of your life 🙂
39 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 18 - 36
Hello sunshine in Europe there is a virus people are afaid AND am so far that say that a kiss a black will women and lot of health 2020-04-11On Monday, on Monday, I can't because AND help my mother and on holiday. And on holiday and what you have a second at home and on this day, and on this day AND am on duty two meetings on Friday and Friday you on Saturday, You cannot on Saturday because you are chasing lesons but Sunday is it, but Sunday is it, Sunday will be for us 2020-04-12 how would I catch a gold fish AND never taken to a black woman my dream kiss a black will of course make love, stay so small and so hard to meet I don't want gold I don't want diamonds like others I love black chokes, women. Sorry, I can't tie. I'm a shoe message for a person AND also also do not like anal see fu pated cuteneness tatedy pop , but I like hugging, casting, screening, AND like to live and I can't image a white marriage, I'm 44 years old, not 70, hysly and mentality healtha, and don't want to wholesale anyone, so please don't come me with knock entries message for jokes In fact, a large part of you are looking for the Prince, and I am a frank of mlaskam and siorb on eating a joart grb5 vp.pl monkey for a short click of the Autsajder jam empty, AND have pockets, well, Somes there is no water I will need change again AND will always live like this I never listed to my father, Altough he warned: “They kill you!” From nativity in the eyes of a boy today many people last one thing AND know after many years you must know the truth, and you: It is always worth doing a man, Altmark it's so easy to fight with dogs My friend who has on me and not one, But I did not seek again in even who does his job this is the girl AND had, but just wanted me in life now with the other is permanent, everybody logs you far away, but as if outside my window, and I am head to see you, even though I see a glumse, but you ignore it, when I don't get the focus in the ignore when I do not keep quiet, AND say. WOW U Forget-me-your favorite flower. A kiss will be the most bitter. You like to say that I do not have you, that only girls can have. Forget-me-nie your favorite flower. A kiss will be the most bitter. You like to say that I do not have you, that only girls can have. Forget-me-nie your favorite flower. A kiss will be the most bitter. You like to say that I do not have you, that only girls can have. Forget-me-nie your favorite flower. A kiss will be the most bitter. You like to say that I do not have you. And I am my way to you with a bouquet in my hands, AND am driving a hare straight to your heart.
34 Wałbrzych, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female
Edit - My premium expired - MAYBE I will buy it in next year on Valentine discount but for now im off. If you are interested you can try . If I don't want to share my personal number to strangers Sorry, if you don’t have a profile picture its hard to say do I want to talk with you or not. I want to know with who I talk. My previous description was "little" too long and chaotic thats why I try to rewrite my page - but there is still a chaos then hope that you will not get dizzy I do it now in few points - all of them will be important to show you "who I am and how I think". The most "boring" and may not be important for you will be the last part about history - history is a box of treasure with this what can happen again if we live in "rainbow world" thinking that "everything is a past" - Do not forget that "we" (in most Europeans) “whole world” (they have different plans and vision) =1 - Basic information = Good, young looked guy from Poland in middle of Europe. Its very loyal, honest and understanding what mean love. If I will tell you "I love you" - you can be sure that it true - that the reason why I do it only in person - face to face. I work now in Poland but think about back to work aboard again in West Europe like on example Netherlands. IM interest most in long term relationship = marrage. I understand that not all of you think about marriage and im open on all kind of relation even this short one as long as you are honest with me. Some of girls here will just try to get to Europe (main reason why are here) and its ok - I can help you to settle here but just dont promise me love Friendship is also precious. can many info repeat but I will delete it when I finish new description =- =-= Young look, normal guy from Europe who look for long term relationship ;) im loyal and honest - im here for serious relationship, not for fun. They will make me angry, but when you will do this, you must know that I never hit a girl and will never do. Not interested in long distance relationships. You must be ready to relocate me or you. If you are from Europe/USA then I can move to you/if you are from other part of the world you must move to me. Exception is only if you have good work in your country then I can move to you. I know that love is not fast process and even if you will come to me we can’t get in love then still as friend I can help you to find a job here as appreciate your effort what you make to visit me. If you look just "citizenship" here, not love or just "adventure" its ok for me as long as you are honest with me - If I know true we can both find solution what will not make any bad feelings toward us. True is that if both people get in real love they can accept their opposite beliefs. The more conservative type of person. Tradition is also important but Blind traditionalism without understanding own roots it is for me something fake that the reason why I tried to understand everything that is around me and make me more conscious. I am not strictly Christian. The more mix type of ideaology - "Futurist" Christian it means that Christianity is still an important part + new view upgrade according to level of our wisdom and civilization - I care more about this what I can left for new generation than what I can get in "secold life.” But you must know that if you call yourself a "Liberal" and hate "Conservatives" then my upgrade can not be like you think - I am not a fan of present Pope who for me is more like celebrity without a sober look at the real situation. It only show that many "Christians" are just blind traditionalists who even do not know what real rules are in their "holy book" and listein only what "other says". If you think that I am worth then buy premium and this site do not allow set a full data like email address but there are not any rule that I can say what operator I use ;) And use gmail. P like you see them not stupid and will find always solution for problem. It show how Polish people are resource-efficient. Our hard situation ( from thousand years our neighbor Russia and Germany fight with us ) make that its in our culture/blood code that we must think about many solutions using small resources to achieve the goal. Many of West European guys will go to shop and buy new things if something will be broken, even a little - most of Polish people, the same as me will try first fix it. West Europeans do not respect money and things - I respect because I know how people in my country or other like in Asia/Africa must work hard for it to have even a little this what I have. In Polish culture code we hate people who beats women because women have, a special place in our culture for thousands years. Its a shame for man who beat women and many of mens (the same like me) with pleasure will kick ass of person who do this. We are a nation of warriors who still stick to their values - that the reason why European Union what split on all European (Christian / Knights values) hate us now and spread lies about "racists, Nazis," "we are still "Knights what pray to God before battle". Of course human nature are the same in every place - even in Poland mens cheats and not all of them are perfect mens but still we have honor what West forget. It means that if you will do everything to meet me and give me your love - I can quarantine you that I will give back you the same and will never allow others to hurt you. Maybe they buy premium is not too much if you can get this what I offer you? === History part (country)- can be boring for you :P ======= If you are from America you must know that Polish-American history is very long even to the time when America make first settlement. Our craftsmen with Irish people were send there to help build houses, tools etc. In Civil War both sides had Polish generals (in 11.09.1777 Polish General Kazimierz Pułaski save the life of United States of America President George Washington)[How USA will looks now if he will not be saved?] Also USA sends army few times in history to help us in Poland to get back our independence. Few cities were also founded by Polish who build there manufactures and it make that people settle there and build city. Many of Christian values from Poland was amplify in American nation - Founding Fathers was inspired by Poland. Poland was strong for hundreds of years as one of the bigger European power. But 3 enemy make alliance (Russia, Prussia[Part of Germany], Austria) when we have internal confits and was weak by after one of the greater war in Europe with Islam invasion ( almost conquered Europe but Polish Succor make that we defeat them in Vienna when almost everything was lost ) from Golden Horde ( present Turkey ) and only because of this - we were conquered and world forget about Polish literature, Polish values, Polish history. Emancipation of women in USA was started in XX century - in Poland XV or even earlier... The same as religion equality and many more. This what I want to show you that our cultures are very similar. You have safe "island" where seeds can grow without fear - we in Poland still fight with many enemies and need to modify our culture to survive. We keep in our hearts the same values. We stop Islam, we stop communism - 2 times defend Europe (officially, but how many times we defend Europe unofficially?) where all nations were very weak and almost give up - only one nation, one country of noble warriors with God on mouth - Poland - save Europe from doom. I worry that we will need another 3 times protect again Europe because they do everything to fall again and was too weak to even keep closed the gates. Always when Europe forget about "Christian values" and make "cultural revolution", "equality of everything and everyone( even our previous day enemy)" - they were too weak to even protect themselves and have many fights inside their own country ( even now - you have TV right?). Poland for thousand years stick close to Christianity and it was our one of main strength, strength what help us defend Europe and our country many times. We do not debate for months do enemy is real enemy especially when we saw the mass murderers of innocent citizens - we grab the "swords" and make justice. If I think now I have feeling that problem of West Europe is strong will to make "good business" forgetting about important things - values, real friendship, God. When Poland was partitioned by those 3 countries - Austria take part of our lands as "Compensation for war losses with Revolutionary France". Even for France it was "good deal" because Austria get a new land, cover losses and they have "peace". THIS is REAL POLITICS DEAR - Do not believe politicians who talk bullshits about "forever peace on Earth where we are one big loving each other family" because sooner or later some "hidden powers" will make agreements how to share your country as own piece of cake even now China talk with Germany to "bring order in their regions as leaders" - it means that they want share regions as own property and make a "good deal". The same as Germany with Russia make a "good deal" when they make an agreement to share Poland in II World War and begin one of the most horrible war in modern history where hunger or more millions of people died. Because we protect Europe few times, also from communism in 1920 when Russia want to attack whole VERY weak Europe after I World War now you can visit "beautiful Paris" and many other European places you can see beautiful Paris also because French was cowards what surrender on seeing first German tank - the same French what before war said to Poland with UK "We are your ally and if anybody will attack you. we will defend and fight with you" - before this declaration Germans try to make agreement with us to fight with Russia but sin of Polish government or may our national soul is to stick with west + believe that "Russia can be good partner in future" what was spread by foreign agenda in what corrupt politicians spread to fool nation about "peace". Only like Poland always suffer most but sad is that nobody cares and even do not want help us when we need it really the same as nations what we saved forget about us (money is more important for them and power than loyal friendship) they never said "thanks" only think how to put a knife in our back and make money using us But if you like to know more about Poland - ask me or take a book ;) I can share with you few short movies about history of Poland. If you want to see real European modern country - visit Poland because "Old Europe" is Europe what you know from the books about honorable knights etc - they begin to change in another communist, dictatorship government who oppress citizens who have different word than they - they begin looks like from one book of Orwell "1984" - worth to read even short description. Oh when your President Donald Trump was in Poland he forget to say one thing - Poland was burned to the ground and almost destroyed in many places you can find pics how Germans "test their bombs" on our cities make that big and prosperous cities with citizens become just "red rock" even our capital city Warsaw was taken off from the surface of the earth - but we using our own hands and rebuild Poland from nothing and again we are one of leading economy in Europe and our country begin prosper again. We do not beg other countries for help like now many do and stupid European Union says that "we must help...". They forget that after World War II Old Europe rebuild not by own hands but using USA money from the Marshall Plan. Poland was under Russia occupation to 1988' because our "allies" sell us as reward to Stalin who join to war[ I believe that he do not have a choice but stupid politicians give him too much]. Have a nice day and thanks for your time! The point is that present "hidden powers" want to make you believe that world is now equal to mix all people, all values into unknown soup and people who see that this is not true and we will never be equal because how nation what develop thousands of inventions and work very hard every day can be equal with nation of people who were never interested in technology and need only food from own garden and rest of days make just "home duty works", maybe also from time to time take other job but rest of time are lazy? Look at map - there is many "poor nations" but don't tell me that they are poor because of us? They are poor because of their politicians and because they can’t unite and see the future – they choose simply life, only small numbers of them have inspiration to make something more and move to our “civilization”. If you want to say that I who every day work hard for future of my family and my country are equal with somebody from other part of the world who come to my country and will be lazy to work and take money from social welfare from my government it will make that "hidden powers" did brain wash to you and are real empty without values, without imagination, without sense of real justice - they make you kid who need parents to make any decision but you believe that it was your thoughts... Now think a little - if prosperity is from hard work and you believe in "socialism dream" then what if 90% of your society will now be those lazy bastard who demand money only because they "now live here"? Wealth of your hard work for generations it will be wasted and "strong and rich nation" will become "another 3rd nation with rusted technology". Social help should be only for people who really get in hard life situation BUT ONLY temporary! Europe develop, get rich and lead the world because of one gold rule - those who do not want work - they do not eat. For stupid people it can be now be a reason to call me "racist" but they even do not understand what it real mean. Racist - popular word what kids use even do not understand it. You don't like something because you have strong reasons - you are racist xD did I dont tell you about powers after curtain? They want to mix even our thinking into trash what will try to consume everything that is different than their thinking but make that we believe, we do everything right and are "good and educated people who keep the justice". What a bullshit History part have 2 reasons. To show you what person I am and what is important for me. To show you about what people forget in present times what can make that you can suffer to. And the last reason is that West Europe using their resources and strength want clear own sins and spread many lies about my country because want to make us "black sheep" and write their sins to our page. Many of you think that European countries are "Good Samaritan" who never was wicked. Did you hear about United Kingdom crimes in Africa? Germans crime in Europe? Other countries have also bloody page in their history. But Poland can sleep good with clean conscience because we never make crimes like they do because like I said before - we stick close to Christian values and I want to give those values to you too. Even if you are "atheist" you don't need believe in God but as long as you follow the rules you can be Christian too. Hope that my last word can show you the way on what you want to follow with me too. If you read everything then I want to share the last thing with you. I HATE hypocrysy and it is one of not many things that make me mad and angry. I write for you just a small part of history and little about values to explain you also how west are rotten, especially politicians from Brussels and how they try to make stupid society of intellectual slaves - people who even do not think themselves. For many people European Union is a "paradise" where people are "tolerant, equal, non racism". But it is only a paradise for people who are blind, deaf and mute who accept everything that "should be nice". They talk too much about "religion tolerance" - ok its a nice thought and its better when we try to understand each other. When people say something bad about religion like Islam, Hindu, Buddhism then they are called "RACIST!" or "Islamophobes" etc. Then its a intellectual quiz for you - if the same people who shout loud about "Tolerance" in the same time talk bad about Christianity, that people who believe in God are "stupid people from Middle Ages who believe in fairy tales and we have science now!" where is tolerance? Where is equality? Yes I am CHRISTIAN (other) then for "young, educated and progressive" Europeans I am stupid guy who believe in not existing strength and they can laught at me, offense and not respect my religion. Why then Islam, Hindu and other religions for them are "ok and we must be tolerant of others"? Why if I don’t like even if I have very good reason for other religion I am racist but they are racist if they offend me because of Christianity? Don't you see that there is a hidden strength what want just destroy Christianity using nice words about "tolerance" but of course not to us? Sad is that most people do not see this hypocrysy and are hostile for Christians but nice for others even if they rent nice for you and force us to "respect their values". What is a sense to fight with one religion but invite others? I have strong sense of justice and in this case there are only two options: You respect all beliefs or do not accept any and fight with all of them. You can't use one hand punch "stupid religions" but second give a helpful full hand to other religion even if you said that "all religion are stupid" lolnt" in fact are racist - wolf in sheep skin.
35 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 27 - 30
The more I read profiles in this site, the more it makes me wonder like: ''Is there a pilot on the board of this flying plane? or maybe he took the last parachute and jumps off to get help...'' Anyway, my biggest dream is to find most intelligent nerd in this whole web site. I'm interested only in non-materialistic personality (Atheist only) I'm looking for the unit ''out of the box''. Vegetarian are very welcome (I'm gluten free person) In country where I live I'm not able to find even average intelligence - so how we can talk about higher intelligence or even more... ha ha ha(it's a laugh by tears) The unit. Psychology and my job (not psychology) are my biggest passion that keeps me still alive. I just love to observe people and study their body language (CAUTION: I have black belt in the body language - seriously). My favorite film director of the all time are Ulrich Seidl (Safari 2016 or Import/Export 2007). I'm probably the most calm person You have met so far. I don't smoke, don't drink alcohol nor use any kind of the drugs (maybe I should...). I'm addicted to cabarets and anykind of satire without censorship (Lately, is hard and it's getting harder to laugh for me...). I also love theatre (especially independant one's). I'm trying to become a minimalist. I usually don't go with the flow... rather mentally strong personality. I never had a watch or any social media account (web sites as facebook or twitter etc.). I walk in the same shirt year after year since over 17 years (without any copy) and that shirt still look like a brand new ;) I didn't mention what kind of work I do because I don't want to find woman who care about money. You can call me Christopher. I like people who are aware and above all modest. I hate the most people with ''the royal mentality''. Those ''intelligent'' sons and daughters of the system whos the main purpose is to get as comfortable life as possible. I'm tired of living in a world where the more stupid and not unique You are, the quicker You gonna find your love. Antisocial, non-make up nerd (I really love outsiders!!!) and NOT MATERIALIST are more than welcome. Gesaffelstein - Pursuit (Official video) If You understand this short video, You also understand my way of thinking. Why im in this web site anyway? Do You know how hard is to find Atheist in the most religious country in Europe?... :) P.S. hurry up before I'll turn into unit colder than ice toward people - because I'm on that way.
34 Zgorzelec, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 21 - 41
41 Bolesławiec, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 24 - 43
29 Kamienna Góra, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 20 - 39
30 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
30 Bielawa, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 25 - 40
40 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 24 - 43
37 Zgorzelec, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 21 - 39
58 Świebodzice, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 28 - 40
55 Oleśnica, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 45 - 60
52 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 27 - 45
34 Wałbrzych, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
45 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female
36 Legnica, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
57 Polkowice, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 33 - 51
33 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 20 - 38
57 Legnica, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 45 - 55
33 Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seeking: Female 21 - 33



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