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49 Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
Seeking: Female 27 - 37
This Viking is creative, adventurous and driven, and goes his own ways in life. Always exploring new ideas and concepts. Put a lot of emphasis on health and fitness, and keep in good shape, both physically and mentally. I am the captain of my own ship, and expect to remain so, all though I am also considerate and kind to those under my wing. I am confident and comfortable around women, and am in no way desperate, but wish to seek out a woman with more traditional values than what my neck of the woods has to offer. I am a rock in a relationship, and i am capable of weathering many a storm. I am also pretty clever, and like my companion to match me to some degree, especially in regards to humor. I can converse with anyone on any topic, and I love to connect with people, and learning their story, history and culture. I am an adventurer in life, and this has led to a great many experiences and skills, too long to list. I can however master (and perhaps charm you in) some of the following areas: - Taekwon-Do (yeah, I sure can protect you from anyone in a pajamas with a belt on it) - Nerding (I dare you to find a field I don't know something about) - Parenthood (been a father for many years. In no way perfect, but got a whole lot of experience and great results) - Dancing (I can do a lot of dances, but I especially love latin ones, Bachata sensual in particular. Can teach you too ;) - Playing piano and guitar (done this for many years, and can play almost anything) - Singing (yep, pretty good at that too, without bragging too much. If you can do a duett with me, I may be sold) I am in search of a first mate to join me on my travels around the world, and with whom I can converse for hours in a café in the rain, on an adventurous road trip, or at an exiting restaurant. The chosen first mate will also be required to take good care of the ship and its crew, and of course its captain. May we leave no stone unturned in our adventures, both near and far, and may we grow to be a team in which the world has never seen the like.
63 Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Seeking: Female 38 - 66
i am norwegian, working in oslo, living in oslo withmy boys, separated optemisitc and like beeing out in the nature - espesially close to the sea--.. I am searching for a partner – long term relationship – wife... i dream about my woman to hold in my/her hand walk together, discover the world, nature and the life... its double discovering it together. i think you well know what i want and search for; i want a woman to live with, to love and be loved of, to be with and to help and be helped of. I want a woman i may trust and that trust mea and that find it interesting and good to be with me. i hope - if we find each other interesting - you will move to me here in Oslo, Norway, i hope you will have the possibility to work here - to learn the Norwegian language and fine a job which is good for you and so she also can earn your own money and participate in our household. I don’t need a doll in the house, i want a partner and lover and friend to live with. How do you think of my thoughts?? i grew up on the west coast of Norway. i live now outside oslo. I work too much - and long for someone to meet every evening and do things together... I am fond of being out in the nature, hiking, enjoying summer and warm - not so much winter any longer, barbeque, and being outside the house...and of course travelling with my partner ... YOU??!! I work with economical and person questions as an advisor.. i enjoy my work although it is very much - perhaps too much to do... in the beginning of the next month I will visit Shanghai and Shenzhen - if y are interested in me - and if possible to see y?? – and perhaps stay from 11 apr Hotel in Shenzhen Bay - so give me a message if we can meet and learn to know each other hope to meet a warm, serious and kind woman,..
